PGAEC Turkey 2022 SUPERFINALE, a fitting end for a great season

The last competition of this season was held from October 27. – 30. in Adana, Turkey.
This was the organizer’s first time making an accuracy competition, and they really did their best in order to make it a successful one.
The maximum number of rounds was achieved (8) in the 3 days, during which this competition lasted.
We had competitors not just from Europe, but from the whole world.
Everyone was really good, judging by the difference between 1st and 2nd place, which is only 1cm!
Overall ranking:
1. Matjaz Sluga
2. Jaka Gorenc
3. Valery Tzvetanov
Women’s ranking:
1. Donghwa Yang
2. Eunyoung Cho
3. Soyoung Cho
Team ranking:
1. Team Korea
2. Flying Fox
3. Davinci Delta
The winners of season 2022 were announced during the closing ceremony (stay tuned for the next post).
Thank you to everyone involved in making this season a great one!
See you all next year, until then stay healthy,
PGAEC team
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